Cron. Task Report

    As a result of running cron.php, a report is generated on the server in the admin/uploads folder - file log_cron.tmp

    The file opens with "Notepad" or "Notepad++"(or any text editor) and contains a record of each task execution time and details about the processed command. For example:

    here you can see the supplier form "Wheels10" task list processing results

    1. At 01:25, the preliminary task was completed. In our example, this is tool number 166 - "Quick zero quantity of products"
    2. At 01:28, form No. 5 "Wheels10" price list processing was completed.
    3. At 01:35, the final task tool 75 "Set % special price in Field1 for customer groups in Field2" was completed

    Tool numbers can be seen using the "Inspect Element" browser tool:

    The log folder contains detailed price list processing reports, report and errors files marked with supplier form number to which they refer:

    in this case, the supplier form "Wheels10" has the number 5

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