Categories. Edit

    With this module, you can export the categories, edit them and then import them. Categories are exported to a spreadsheet file in Excel format, convenient for making changes.

    Export Categories

    • Create a supplier form and save it, or open an existing one
    • Open the tab "Tools"
    • Choose the action "Export categories" and click "Start"

    On the server, in the admin/uploads folder will appear a file ex.xml with categories, it opens with Excel:

    Each row of the table contains a specific subcategory hierarchy from the subcategory to parent categories. The odd columns (1,3,5,7....) contain category_id, and the even columns (2,4,6,8....) contain category names.

    The table also contains links to category photos, meta data, URLs, and sort order. File structure:

    • the image is in a column with a number 33 greater than the name of its category
    • the description is in a column with a number 53 greater than its category name
    • Category URL is in a column with a number 73 greater than its category name
    • meta-description is in a column with a number 93 greater than its category name
    • meta-keywords is in a column with a number 113 greater than its category name
    • meta-title is in a column with a number 133 greater than its category name
    • meta-h1 is in a column with a number 153 greater than its category name
    • sort order is in a column with a number 173 greater than the name of its category

    Make changes to the table (do not change category_id!) and upload category images to the folder image/catalog/category/ if you want to add category images. This folder is specially designed for storing category images.

    Category Import

    Upload the edited file to the server in the admin/uploads/ folder, keep the name ex.xml and xml format and perform the tool:

    Category import in another site

    The ex.xml file can be used to create categories on another site. To do this, it is enough to enter the following column numbers in the supplier form on another site:

    In the "SKU" and "Price" fields, enter the column number 17 and perform the action:

    Save the form. Open it and click "Start". Choose your file and run the program.

    (read more about creating categories here)

    Edit categories with "Tools".

    In the "Tools" tab you will find a lot of tools to edit category URLs, metadata, and descriptions:

    The tool "Fix categories SEO url" doesn't require SEO template settings. The URL is created by the category name.

    The term "sub-categories" means - all categories that are nested in this one, except for itself:

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