Series & Product Variants
Product series in XML price-lists
The group_id tag can be used to create product series:
Several products that have some common attribute (for example, the same group_id) can be grouped into a series using Opencart modules "HYPER PRODUCT MODELS" or "KIT SERIES".
Series are used as an options alternative in Opencart.
To group products in series, it is enough to fill in the column number containing the series attribute group_id in the supplier form "Series" field:
Optionally, you can add both the column containing the sort order and the column with the product icon:
The icon has to be uploaded to the image/catalog/ folder beforehand and in the price list column 9 there has to be a path to the image in the following form:
Icons are used only in the module "HYPER PRODUCT MODELS".
Series in tabular price lists - XML Spreadsheet 2003 & Excel files
As in the previous case, to group several products into series, you need a column containing a group id.
You can use the parent product SKU as the group id:
(parent products are underlined in the image with a red line).
Our example shows three product series. For "Parents", the SKU matches the Parent SKU