Unique Product Descriptions. Anti-Plagiator

    Product descriptions that have been copied from third-party sites (including supplier sites) will not rank high on Google.

    Google considers these texts plagiarism. According to the SEO experts the product description should be unique by 80% or more.

    Of course, product descriptions are needed even copied from other sites, but for ranking, it is much better that they be as unique as possible.

    For products that are already uploaded to the store the plugin can "uniqueize" product descriptions in bulk. However, don't put your hopes up too high on "Anti-Plagiator": sometimes, the result of its work can shock or make you laugh, be careful when creating the "Dictionary".


    This is a table with three columns (it is more convenient to use the Excel XML Spreadsheet 2003 format), for example:

    Column 1 – the word or phrase to be replaced.

    A word is a sequence of characters from space to space. For example processor, (together with a comma).

    Column 2 – word or phrase to replace the word or phrase in column 1.

    Texts in columns 2 and 3 may contain sets of synonyms delimited by square brackets and separated by vertical bars. For example: [beautiful|wonderful|best]. The program will select only one word from the listed set in random order.

    Column 3 – custom text to add to the description.

    • If this text starts with a parenthesis, the program will add it directly after the replaced phrase or word.
    • If this text starts with a letter, it will be added as a separate paragraph at the end of the sentence.
    • If this text starts with a bold letter, a new paragraph will be added to the description.

    The Dictionary should be saved in the "XML Spreadsheet 2003" format named conv.xml and uploaded to the server in the admin/uploads folder :


    The Anti-plagiator is launched by this Tool:

    and applies to all products filtered in the Tool Filter section.


    If the original product description looks like this:

    After applying the dictionary (see the image above), we have the following result:

    The description uniqueness increases the most with added texts and paragraphs (from the third column of the Dictionary). The usual replacement of words with synonyms, as a rule, can increase the uniqueness by no more than 20%

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