Attributes. Unification

    If you created a product filter in a store, you probably encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as a different spelling of attribute values that have the same meaning.

    The filter does not recognize the meaning of the attribute values and may build a strange selection:

    To avoid confusion, the attribute GPS should only have two values (Yes or No) and not six.

    The plugin can fix this.

    Steps to follow

    1. First, you need to remove the unnecessary attributes don't in use in any products. Tools tab, three clicks:

    2. Then, use the "Delete duplicate attributes in admin" tool after renaming the attributes the same if they have the same meaning:

    3. Export all attribute values to a convenient for editing table. Tools tab three clicks:

    Wait while the plugin collects and sorts attributes from all products. As a result, you will get a admin/uploads/ex.xml file that looks something like this:

    To the right of each "Attribute Value" column is an empty "New Value" column, in which you can enter a new, correct attribute value:

    4. Save the file on the server as attribute.xml in "XML 2003 Spreadsheet" format

    5. Run the tool "Import/Update product attributes". Tools tab:

    6. Wait for the plugin to complete its work.


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