Product Option as Product (New Line)

    One of the most common ways to represent options in a price list is when a product is repeated in price list rows with different option values.:

    as evidenced by the repetition of "sku" in column #1.

    In our example, there are 4 products, and each of them has one or more "Color" option values (column 3). Each option value has a price and a quantity (columns 5 and 6).

    The product price and quantity are not shown in separate price list columns, therefore, the product price will be determined from column 5 as the minimum among the option prices, and the quantity - as the sum of the option quantities from column 6.

    Options import and update algorithm

    The product, in the second line, with SKU mantis_1900245 can be imported if this SKU is missing on the site and the add mode is enabled ("Add and update"). Therefore, this line should contain information about the product name, price, image, and at least one category. The product will be created with one "Color" option value - White.

    Lines 3, 4, and 5 represent the same product mantis_1900245, which was already created in line 2, which means that the product will be updated three times. During the update, the values of the option "Color" will be added to the product: Orchid and Platinum.

    In line 6, the SKU has changed. The plugin considers this as the end of product mantis_190024 data. At this point it:

    • finds the minimum price among the options and sets it as the product price: 10
    • calculates the option values relative prices as a plus to the product price: +0, +0.50, +0.85, +0.60
    • sums all option values quantities and sets this amount as product quantity: 12


    1. SKU

    The SKU is in column #1 and specifies a product. If SKUs specify options, then the SKUs in column 1 would all be different (see "Option with SKU").

    2. Product price and quantity

    The product price and quantity will be recalculated by the options. For example, the price of the last item (sku mantis_1900263) will become 11, and the quantity will be 9 pcs.

    For the option prices to be imported and become relative, as a plus to the product price, enable this button:

    and set the general rules for option import (see "General buttons").

    3. Options tab

    The field "SKUs separated by a semicolon. Column number" is not required. This field is used only if each option has a separate SKU.

    Field "Option quantity. Column number". You can add multiple column numbers separated by commas. In this case, the quantity will be equal to the sum of the contents of these columns.

    If the "Option quantity" field is left blank, all option values quantities will be set to the default 9.

    The "Prefix" select should be set if the option prices in the price list are relative. For example, "plus price", and this fact is not marked with "+":


    1. The price prefix is set by the option prices in the price list.
    2. Prices in the price list should be interpreted as a plus to the product price +
    3. The prices in the price list are a markup to the product price in percent %
    4. The prices in the price list are a discount on the product price in percent #
    5. The number in the price list is a multiplier of the product price *

    "Nullify missing option values" button

    For option values that are not on the price list, the quantities will be reset to zero:

    Attention: Enable this button only when the product is presented in the price list in adjacent lines, as in the examples above. Otherwise, for example, in this case:

    the option to be added or updated in the product mantis_1900245 on line 7 (see yellow lines) will reset all previous options:

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