Product Exhausted. Status

    There is a product with a zero quantity in the price list

    1. In the product add mode, the plugin will create a zero-stock product in the store

    2. In the product update mode, the plugin will take into account whether the product is assigned to this supplier:

    • if the product is assigned to the supplier whose price list is being processed at the moment, then the product quantity will be set to 0
    • if the product is assigned to another supplier (suppliers have the same SKUs for this product), then the plugin will not set quantity 0 for the product and will not update the price.

    The product is no longer in the price list

    It often happens that the supplier removes products from the price list (discontinued, for example), but this product is on your site with status available.

    To avoid this situation, it is necessary to reset all supplier's product quantities before processing the price list.

    Then, after the update, those products that were not in the price list will remain with zero quantity, and those products that are updated will have the quantity from the price list.

    In the "Tools" tab, there are three functions for zeroing the product quantity:

    1. Works very quickly. Sets product quantity to 0 for the products assigned to this supplier or to all suppliers. Takes into account this filter setting and all other filters are ignored:

    2. If you enter the number 0 in Field1 and click "Start", the plugin will not only reset the product quantities selected in the filter (all filters work) but also will add sort order 100000 to each zeroed product.

    After processing the price list, all updated products will receive a quantity bigger than 0, and their sort order will be reset to 0. Non-updated products will remain with zero quantity and big sort order so they will be at the end of the category and manufacturer pages.

    The disadvantage of this function is that during the processing of the price list, the supplier's products are shown on the site as "Out of stock".

    3. This function works after the price list processing and is safer because during the update the products are available on the site's front.

    Stock status

    The product stock status is displayed on the product page:

    OpenCart displays in stock text if the product quantity is greater than zero and has unlimited out of stock statuses (all for products with quantity 0).

    Admin -> System -> Localisation -> Stock Statuses:

    Under certain conditions, the status "In Stock" can be displayed in Opencart even when the quantity is zero. For example, when the product has zero quantity, but can be purchased (this should be set in Admin-> System-> Settings).

    The "Out of Stock" status that should be set in the product with 0 quantity can be selected in the supplier form:

    Please note that the menu option is marked with red, which means that it only works in product add mode.

    Using this tool you can change the out of stock product status for already imported products:

    In default Opencart installation the status with ID 5 is "Out of stock".

    All stock statuses are recorded in the database in table stock_status:

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