Series & Product Variants

Product series in XML price-lists

The group_id tag can be used to create product series:

Several products that have some common attribute (for example, the same group_id) can be grouped into a series using Opencart modules "HYPER PRODUCT MODELS" or "KIT SERIES".

To group products in series, it is enough to fill in the column number containing the series attribute group_id in the supplier form "Series" field:

Optionally, you can add both the column containing the sort order and the column with the product icon:

The icon has to be uploaded to the image/catalog/ folder beforehand and in the price list column 9 there has to be a path to the image in the following form:

Series in tabular price lists - XML Spreadsheet 2003 & Excel files

As in the previous case, to group several products into series, you need a column containing a group id.

You can use the parent product SKU as the group id:

(parent products are underlined in the image with a red line).

Our example shows three product series. For "Parents", the SKU matches the Parent SKU

Reward Points

In OpenCart, each registered customer can belong to some "Customer Group" (except for Default, which each unregistered user belongs to):

Each customer group has its own ID number:

For each product, you can set the points quantity that give the right to buy the product for free and the points quantity awarded to the customer upon purchase, for each customer group separately:

In the example above, the customer has to accumulate 100 points in order to get the product for free. If the customer belongs to the customer group "Distributors", then to get this product for free is enough to buy it 5 times.

The plugin can load Reward points into products from the price list automatically, both when adding a product and when updating. For example, the product price in points is in column 3, and the points by customer group are in columns 6, 7, and 8

In the supplier form you should set:

(use comma as separator).


3 - the column contains the total number of points required to purchase the product for free
6 - column number with points for Customer Group No. 1, which are awarded when purchasing this product
7 - column number with points for Customer Group No. 2, which are awarded when purchasing this product
8 - column number with points for Customer Group No. 3, which are awarded when purchasing this product

Tools for working with Reward points

There are only 3 tools:

1. For example, if the product price is 100 and you want to set the total points required to receive the product to 90, you would use this tool like this:

(a reduction of 10% in the price).

2. This tool concerns points for customer groups, i.e. bonuses that the customer accumulates when buying a product. For example, you want to set a bonus (purchase premium) of 20 points for the "Distributors" group:

(group "Distributors" has ID number 2, see image above).

3. Remove points from products. For example, you want to remove Points from all products of a given supplier:

Unique Product Descriptions. Anti-Plagiator

Product descriptions that have been copied from third-party sites (including supplier sites) will not rank high on Google.

Google considers these texts plagiarism. According to the SEO experts the product description should be unique by 80% or more.

Of course, product descriptions are needed even copied from other sites, but for ranking, it is much better that they be as unique as possible.

For products that are already uploaded to the store the plugin can "uniqueize" product descriptions in bulk. However, don't put your hopes up too high on "Anti-Plagiator": sometimes, the result of its work can shock or make you laugh, be careful when creating the "Dictionary".


This is a table with three columns (it is more convenient to use the Excel XML Spreadsheet 2003 format), for example:

Column 1 – the word or phrase to be replaced.

A word is a sequence of characters from space to space. For example processor, (together with a comma).

Column 2 – word or phrase to replace the word or phrase in column 1.

Texts in columns 2 and 3 may contain sets of synonyms delimited by square brackets and separated by vertical bars. For example: [beautiful|wonderful|best]. The program will select only one word from the listed set in random order.

Column 3 – custom text to add to the description.

  • If this text starts with a parenthesis, the program will add it directly after the replaced phrase or word.
  • If this text starts with a letter, it will be added as a separate paragraph at the end of the sentence.
  • If this text starts with a bold letter, a new paragraph will be added to the description.

The Dictionary should be saved in the "XML Spreadsheet 2003" format named conv.xml and uploaded to the server in the admin/uploads folder :


The Anti-plagiator is launched by this Tool:

and applies to all products filtered in the Tool Filter section.


If the original product description looks like this:

After applying the dictionary (see the image above), we have the following result:

The description uniqueness increases the most with added texts and paragraphs (from the third column of the Dictionary). The usual replacement of words with synonyms, as a rule, can increase the uniqueness by no more than 20%


How to exclude certain products from the price list from adding or updating

Create a table (use Excel) containing 8 columns:

Columns have a fixed content: for example, column 6 is only for the description fragment and column 4 is for product quantity in the price list.

Save the table as exception.xml file in XML Spreadsheet 2003 format and upload it to the server in the folder admin/uploads.

In each line, in each column, you can write a part of the text from the price list.
A product name fragment, a category name fragment, a description fragment, and a manufacturer's name fragment.

The price and quantity are filled in either exactly as in the price list or with signs ">", "<"
For example >0 or <2.

Empty columns and cells are allowed.

The table header should be removed:

How it works

The plugin reads the product from the price list and decides whether to process it or skip it. The product will be skipped if:

  • the product name in the price list contains the fragment "coat"
  • the product quantity in the price list is less than 2
  • the product description in the price list contains the fragment "autum"

if the products are processed by the #2 supplier's form (see column 8):

  • the product name in the price list contains the fragment "trous"
  • the product description in the price list contains the fragment "women"

The first row of the exception.xml table applies to all supplier forms, while the second row only applies to #2 supplier forms


How to process only some price list products

(skipping the rest)

Create a table (use Excel) with 8 columns:

Columns have a fixed content: for example, column 6 is only for the description fragment and column 4 is for product quantity in the price list.

Save the table as only.xml file in XML Spreadsheet 2003 format and upload it to the server in the folder admin/uploads.

In each line, in each column, you can write a part of the text from the price list.
A product name fragment, a category name fragment, a description fragment, and a manufacturer's name fragment.

The price and quantity are filled in either exactly as in the price list or with signs ">", "<"
For example >0 or <2.

Empty columns and cells are allowed.

The table header should be removed:

How it works

The plugin reads the product from the price list and decides whether to process it or skip it. The product will be processed if:

  • the product name in the price list contains the fragment "coat"
  • the product quantity in the price list is less than 2
  • the product description in the price list contains the fragment "autum"

if the products are processed by the #2 supplier's form (see column 8):

  • the product name in the price list contains the fragment "trous"
  • the product description in the price list contains the fragment "women"

The first row of the only.xml table applies to all supplier forms, while the second row only applies to #2 supplier forms

Product Tags

With Opencart at the bottom of the product page, under the description, Tags related to this product can be added:

The admin panel has a field for manually adding tags:

The plugin allows you to fill in this field automatically, in bulk for all products. The field is filled in when adding or updating a product.

To update or add tags to a product, you must enable the button in the supplier form settings this way:

If you stop at this step, tags containing only the product category and the manufacturer will be added to the products:

Additionally, some product attributes can be added to tags (when adding or updating attributes):

Enable attribute update in supplier form, in "General Buttons":


Product add mode

In product add mode, the plugin adds the same product name and description for all site languages:

This text is either parsed from the donor site product page or loaded from the price list:

In the supplier's form "Product name" field is enough to indicate the price list column number containing the product name (same for the "Product description" field).

Attributes are added differently.

You can add different texts in different languages by filling in the price list column numbers separated by commas, regardless of the plugin operation mode.

You can add the same text for all languages:

Product update mode

The plugin can work with maximum three languages at the same time.

At the very top image, you can see that each language has its own number - language_id. In our example, If you arrange the languages in ascending number order, you will get this sequence:

Russian, English, Ukrainian

you should list the price list column numbers in this order in the supplier form:


  • column 2 contains the product name in Russian
  • column 19 contains the product name in English
  • column 20 contains the product name in Ukrainian

As a result of this setting, the product names in all three languages will be updated simultaneously in the product.

If you want to update the product name for only one language (for example, in Ukrainian), only one column number should be filled in:

and set this language ID in this field:

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