Parsing. Troubleshooting

    File parsing

    The need to parse files arises when the donor site does not want to give its web page to your server and some parsing protection is applied.

    You should not blame the donor site for malicious intent, most likely it perceived your parsing attempts as a DDOS attack because when parsing, your server navigates through the donor site pages at a speed that is not available to a simple user browsing product pages from its computer.

    The plugin can be set to slow down the page transition speed this way:

    but if in the plugin report you see this text:

     The Product passed: Row ~= 6  url =  Site no answer 

    it means that you are late with the parsing pause. Your server is banned, and now you have to parse donor pages as files.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Open the product page in your browser

    2. Select part of the link of this page as the future file name according to the following rules:

    From the sign ? to the end of the link or to a period:

    From the sign & to the end of the link or to a period:

    From slash:

    (if there is a slash at the end of the link, then before the slash).

    3. Press keys in sequence:

    ctrl+C , ctrl+S , ctrl+V and  Enter

    The page will be saved as an HTML file on your computer:

    4. Remove the extension from the file name (use "Group Rename"):

    5. Upload the page files to the server in the admin/uploads folder.

    6. Turn on this setting:

    and save the supplier form.

    7. Start price list processing.


    In the admin/model/catalog/suppler.php file, you can specify proxy server addresses. This will avoid the problems associated with the ban.

    By default, parsing through a proxy in the plugin is disabled, as this greatly slows down the work. To allow the use of a proxy, you need to remove the comment (find this text $arr_proxi = array(); ):

    Be sure to update the proxy server addresses.

    Wrong page

    If, when parsing a web page, in the report appears this message:

    Parsing Product Name error: Row 12  Check your settings.

    this does not necessarily indicate an error in the parsing parameters. It is possible that the donor site returned to your server the wrong page and not the requested one. For example, it offered to enter a captcha or (more often) sent some kind of nonsense.

    To see what exactly the donor site sent, you need in the plugin file admin/model/catalog/suppler.php before the lines return $body; in two places:



    to insert this code:

    $err = " Answer = " . $body ." \n"; 

    Try on a price list with one product. The result can be seen in the Report (file admin/uploads/errors.tmp).

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